Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's Wednesday, another working day. Another day to work, produce, earn and live.

As always, I woke up early because my working hours will start at 6:00am until 6:00pm. Twelve (12) hours of work a day, seating, accepting calls if there's any, chit-chatting with workmates and most especially, visiting the blog spot of my online friends. That's the usual routine I really have to do every weekdays... hehehe, sounds cool but it's a boring life actually.

Working in a Call Center is like burying your half body into the grounds; yes! you'll receive high compensation but the radiation from computers, stress and pressures from the bosses are priceless. Fortunately, you'll have dynamic workmates that can somehow lessen the stress of your work.

This is the nature of life: Work to Live.

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