Saturday, February 23, 2008

@ TearDrop @

A sudden change of emotion was happening in my system. I am not supposed to tell this, but it hurts me too much. And I need someone to help me recover this pain. I assumed, that by letting this out or by sharing this feeling, it will somehow, lessen the burden that I've felt right now.

I have been in a relationship for almost 1 year and 4 months. We've been through many ups and downs, happy and sad, jumpy and stretchy days of our relationship. We all knew, that problems are just flavor of everything (colorful life) and human by nature are somehow attracted to irrelevant colors (mistakes). By this concept, I understand that we have to be patient enough to build up an outstanding relationship.

For the past months, I've noticed that his attitude change. Their is one time, when he lied to me, he went to his friends house to join for a beer party with the lady unknown to me. But, I just don't mind that (deadma), because he told me that their not in a relationship and of no connection . Until another time, he lied to me again and again but of different causes. This things are too much for me, I don't deserve this. Am I too fool to continue what we've build up or this things are just part of many relationship? Every random thought will be accepted.


Anonymous said...

ka emo nimo karen oi... hehehe

wifespeak said...

Hello. I'm guessing that I'm a lot older than you. If your instincts tell you that all is not well, then it probably isn't. Be prepared. Letting go is really very difficult but it becomes easier if we look within ourselves and see that we really deserve a lot better than your partner of present is giving you. Love yourself, dearie, and men will be drawn towards you like bees to a flower.

ReadWriteSnap said...

hello gurl!! well, I would have to tell you to speak out! don't just allow things to just happen and stand in the background. you are a part of the relationship, don't you think you deserve some honesty? if in case he finally give you some idea on how things are going between the two of you, then that's the time that you decide what's your step going to be...don't be too rash though in deciding something you don't wanna do or would regret...ok?

Johnny said...

It is too bad to know about it.
hope you;re ok soon

Lara said...

Hi there, I know how it feels I have been there before but I am glad that I set him free. Now, I am happily married to a man whom I never thought would love me too much. As what my husband always said "action speaks louder than words". You deserve a man better than him. Don't let yourself be treated like that, you are very pretty and your love is sincere. You will find the best man for you.

Unknown said...

hi there.. it's so sad.. mkarelate mn sd ko ani.. but in opposite direction, my gf fooled me one time(1 month before our 5th year anniv) wat a sad dba? but thanks God.. we're able to overcome those trials.. and now i'm happy coz this coming oct. will be our 10th year anniv.. and we're both praying na sana kami na talaga..Long distance relationship is very hard to handle... but if you can survive, i gez it's the sweetest thing.